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Right now is the era of DIY’s (Do it Yourself) and many people love creating their own things and find different alternative to find a solution for a lesser price. In some things, DIY’s are fun to do. Other things are not fun and should be left to professionals. One of those things is to clean mold with bleach.However, professionals should stop using bleach to clean mold. Having mold in your environment can be unhealthy for your family and if you want to sell your home, having mold will not attract buyers. Mold that has been growing for a long time in any environment, can cause property damage. Several individuals find that bleach is the solution to get rid of mold. An interesting article discussed by Got Mold Disaster Recovery Services,Inc talks about this subject. Professionals should not be using bleach to sanitize, clean or disinfect surfaces. The article provides two main reason why it is not the best solution.
The first reason why it is advised for professionals to not use bleach is for health concerns and the damage it can make to several components. Bleach can irritate the skin, the eyes and can affect the respiratory system. Proper equipment when dealing with an abundant of bleach should be necessary but like the article points out, precautions are ignored because of the products acceptance in society. Bleach is a chemical that can be dangerous if mixed with other household or cleaning products. Bleach is also corrosive when used with other metals and stones. For example, the article gives a great example about how bleach corroded metals in New Orleans. After twenty four hours, bleach corroded electrical components.
The second reason why restoration professionals should not be using bleach is because in order for bleach to sanitize the area or materials should be clean. Several people have used bleach to clean mold and later on they see mold growing again, thinking that the bleach will ultimately get rid of it. Bleach will not prevent fungal or bacteria from growing. Lastly, the article makes a great point on why bleach should be left in the laundry room and not be used to disinfect or sanitize, and in this case get rid of mold. The article states, “Most bleach products are not registered with the EPA as an antimicrobial.” Yes, bleach can be inexpensive and a quick solution but professional have other products that are intended to clean and sanitize areas that will prevent mold from growing back. Professionals need to showcase that the service they provide will help consumers solve their solutions. Using bleach to get rid of mold is not the best service that a company give to their client. This was an excellent article describing why bleach should not be used to get rid of mold and ultimately not be used to sanitize, disinfect and clean. If you have any questions regarding mold and need assistance removing mold in your environment contact your local Alliance Environmental office and we may be of assistance.Our Environmental services at Alliance Environmental provides mold removal. Alliance Environmental will then develop a remediation plan detailing method, scope, time and controls to be used, based on fungus type and location. Our services include proper containment and removal as well as thorough site decontamination.